Monday, September 28, 2009

Sigh and Sigh Again

 This assignment has been interesting for me, for lack of a better word. Not that the content is interesting, but how the final product came to be is interesting.

 When I started the project, I did just as instructed. I put a non-printed sheet on a chair and I placed that chair in my bedroom. I started the drawing and everything was coming out fine. The proportions were right on, and I was no a role. I had to take a break and run to Walmart to find a charger and USB plug for my camera so i could upload the required pictures onto the blog. I get back home, and my boyfriend, out of old habits that I have been trying to break him from, threw his shirt onto the chair where I had the sheet. Once the shirt was removed, the sheet did not look the same, making it impossible to figure out where I had left off. Needless to say, I was livid to the point where I was on the verge of tears.

 I had no other choice but to start the assignment all over. As I started it all over again, my proportions were all off and I had to erase, and erase, and erase again. Now, the assignment I had originally started on, to what the finished product is, is completely different.

 No point in dwelling on what could have or should have been. So I completed the assignment half-heartedly and completely discouraged. but I completed it. I'm a bit disappointed in the outcome, but there will be better days. And hopefully, there will be a day where I can break my boyfriend out of the habit of throwing his clothes on the first thing he deems as a convenient location to put something, other than the dirty clothes or the closet.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


 Yeah, it's been a while. It sucks when you borrow your neighbor's internet and it magically stops working, leaving you without your daily dose of facebook... and blogspot of course!

 I find myself extremely frustrated with all my classes. Me and my half-ass perfectionism isn't as perfect as she would like to be. I think a melt down might be in order. Art school: survival of the fittest.

Any who, enough rambling about life and its relevance and irrelevance, let's get serious. Let's talk about art!

 I know it doesn't pertain much to the class, or drawing in general, but it is my medium of choice: Photography.

There are several photographers of which I have learned about their work over time, and I am always equally as fascinated every time I come across their images. These people are the masters in composition and content. Some are primarily black and white, and others specialize in color photography.

Lee Friedlander

I love studying his nudes, since I, myself, do nude photography.

Content is great. This image makes you focus on the body language of the two people. What were they doing before?

The tree casts an interesting shape. not his most interesting photograph, but it is a play on nature, which he doesn't do very often. the true master at nature would be Ansel Adams.

This photograph has a very stalkeresque quality to it. Kind of eery isn't it?

I know the picture is small, but the composition in this image is amazing. It has an approximate symmetry to it. There is so much going on in the photograph that it creates visual movement. It's just simply amazing.

This image is intriguing to me. It's simple, yet powerful to me. There's this image of this blown up face in   a television with a shirt hanging next to it. Who does that shirt belong to? Why is it hanging on the door next to the television, with this face looking at the viewer with this ridiculously huge grin on her face. Why is that face there in the television? What is the viewer watching?
Unfortunetly time is not on my side today. However, there are a few other people I would love to post on here. I.E. Henri Cartier Bresson, Tina Barney, Garry Winogrand, William Eggleston, and Diane Arbus. I'll just have to do it when time allows. Until then...