Monday, September 28, 2009

Sigh and Sigh Again

 This assignment has been interesting for me, for lack of a better word. Not that the content is interesting, but how the final product came to be is interesting.

 When I started the project, I did just as instructed. I put a non-printed sheet on a chair and I placed that chair in my bedroom. I started the drawing and everything was coming out fine. The proportions were right on, and I was no a role. I had to take a break and run to Walmart to find a charger and USB plug for my camera so i could upload the required pictures onto the blog. I get back home, and my boyfriend, out of old habits that I have been trying to break him from, threw his shirt onto the chair where I had the sheet. Once the shirt was removed, the sheet did not look the same, making it impossible to figure out where I had left off. Needless to say, I was livid to the point where I was on the verge of tears.

 I had no other choice but to start the assignment all over. As I started it all over again, my proportions were all off and I had to erase, and erase, and erase again. Now, the assignment I had originally started on, to what the finished product is, is completely different.

 No point in dwelling on what could have or should have been. So I completed the assignment half-heartedly and completely discouraged. but I completed it. I'm a bit disappointed in the outcome, but there will be better days. And hopefully, there will be a day where I can break my boyfriend out of the habit of throwing his clothes on the first thing he deems as a convenient location to put something, other than the dirty clothes or the closet.

1 comment:

  1. Well, all difficulties aside, the still life itself looks interesting. I understand your frustrations. We'll see how it looks this evening.
